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Talent programmes

Talent programmes

If you are looking to attract, recruit and develop newly graduated talent, a Talent Programme could be your best fit.

Learning by doing

Our Talent Programmes are designed to address the skills shortage that many companies face and help you stay ahead. With the right training and ongoing support, the programme combines work and education to provide practical experience. At Academic Work, we help you tailor the right programme for your needs, market it, attract the right candidates, and manage the investment with follow-up.

The setup


Create the right program

We start by identifying the required competencies and design a programme tailored to your unique needs.


Market and attract

We help ensure the programme reaches and attracts the right target group.


Find and place the right candidates

What we do best.


Follow up and develop

We continuously follow up and manage the talent programme, ensuring it’s optimised.
people talking

Why a Talent Programme?

A talent programme could be a great investment for your organisation. It provides an opportunity to develop specialised skills that are hard to find in today’s job market, helping you stand out from the competition. By investing in the growth of new employees, you create a highly engaged workforce. Through our tailored programmes you also gain access to our extensive expertise in recruiting early-career professionals in specific skill areas.

Contact us

Find your next perfect fit

Unsure if staffing, recuiting or upskilling is right for you? Maybe a try & hire solution? At Academic Work, we believe in flexible and scalable staffing. Contact us to tailor a solution that makes your business, and talent, thrive.

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A trusted partner

Helping organisations grow


All about Talent Programmes